6. This morning I asked L to bring me a book to read for him and J. He said, "No thank-you". I tried to convince him and he said, "The answer is no, Mom, I'm not gonna say it again." Ha! I hate when you can't get on to them because you’re laughing so hard. 06/23/2010
19. L got his haircut this morning and when we got back to the car he looked upset. When I asked him why, he said with a mean face, “she cut off my horns." Haha ( he thought he was Tyrone from Backyardigans) 10/02/2010
20. "When I do bad things, I am listening to dragons." –Luke 10/11/10
21. Last night after church I was told that L hit Emalee and was sent to time out.
Me: L, why did you hit Emalee? She's your friend.
L: It wasn't my fault. I turned into a dragon and breathed fire on Emalee.
Emalee: It's Ok. I forgave them. 10/17/10
22. “L, will you tell Mommy a story about Halloween?” “No, Halloween is bad and it is scary.” “Who told you that?” “God” 10/18/10
23. L came to me covered in my foundation makeup. I said, “L, if you made a big mess for me, you are going to get in big trouble.” L said, “Don’t worry, Mommy it’s just a little mess. I won’t need a spanking.” 10/18/2010
24. I cannot believe how manipulative a three year old could be. L never wants to go to bed. Today when he was supposed to be taking a nap, he came out and asked for a hug. Then he said, “Mommy can we nuggle. I love when we nuggle.”10/18/10
25. [crying] “I don’t want a pokey chin!” He doesn’t like rubbing against daddy’s beard stubble. 10/26/10
26 We went out to eat and Joey said to the waitress, “Hey, Hun, can I get a fork?” L pointed at me and said, “That’s your Hun, Daddy.” Then while he was eating yogurt with a spoon she passed by again and he said, “ Hey, Hun, can I get a spoon?” 05/01/2011
27. I took L to Dunkin Donuts and another customer with a missing tooth and a very raspy smoker’s voice asked Luke what he was going to order. He looked at her with a very strange look on his face and said, “Why do you talk like a scary Monster?” The when she said something else to him He said, “Where did your tooth go? Did the tooth fairy take it?” 05/05/11
29. “Listen up, J, if Mommy says no, I say no so you better obey us.” 02/15/12
30. Heard L yell in serious anger, "Stop it, J! You're just a little baby who drinks milk from Mommy's boobies." ( no, I do not breastfeed J) 01/07/12
Adorable! You've done a great job documenting sweet little quotes from your son. You'll love that you have these written down when he is big.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Nina! I loved reading about your day with your kids. :o) It's so fun being a Mommy!