Yesterday we had the honor of taking E to Orlando to meet Joey's 94 year old grandmother (Nana). She lives in a very nice assisted living facility, and is doing relativity well except she is very lonely. Joey's Aunt Sue lives only a few minutes away and visits Nana often. She also got to meet E.
Nana was thrilled to have us there and to meet her newest great grandchild!
The last several times I've seen Nana she always says that when she gets to Heaven she's going to scold her husband who left her at 64 years of age and then scold God for taking him away. She says it with a smile but I know she is still brokenhearted. She said it again yesterday, but then added. "I don't know why He is keeping me here. I don't serve any purpose." I wanted to cry and could think of no words of encouragement to offer her. Joey held her hand, smiled and said, "You do serve a very important purpose, Nana, It's to please HIM." He went on to say that God has her here to enjoy Him and it pleases our Heavenly Father when we take delight in Him. Our sole purpose on this earth is to bring honor and glory to HIS name, no matter how old or young, rich or poor, sick or healthy. I watched her as he spoke this to her and her eyes were fixed on him and filled with tears as if this is the exact reason we needed to be there that day. She needed to hear that God is still real and that He loves her and has not forgotten her. I am in awe at the gift God has given my husband. He has such a passion for Christ and has a way to bringing every conversation back to honor HIM. I know Nana was glad to meet E but she said that she won't question God anymore and that she knows God sent us to her for that specific reason. Praise God!
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