God has taught me something this week that I wish I would have learned a long time ago and have struggled with since before I can remember. It sounds simple but it seems impossible sometimes. Here is is..TRUST GOD! Although, I know I won't do this perfectly until I am glorified in Heaven. For me to trust God and to know that He is good that and EVERYTHING is for His glory is nice to say but it's hard to do, especially when there is a tragedy. A few days ago, we found out that my pastor's 6 year old son, Luke, has a brain aneurysm.
My family started attending our church about a year and a half ago completely against my will. I could write a book about the ways God has changed my heart, my marriage and my family but the main thing I have learned from being here is what true Christianity looks like. The word of God is exalted in this church and Christ is the center. I have a pastor that genuinely loves Christ and points us to do the same and it is like nothing I have experienced before. Just walking to the nursery after church the side conversations I hear are without a doubt about the Lord, not cute hairstyles, complaints about finances, or gossip, but the Lord. This is a body of believers that serve each-other and want to know Him more. Each week, I honestly don't want church to end because I love being taught the Word of God verse by verse and I don't want to go back into my sin and pride of everyday life. It's not always easy to hear because the bible can be offensive but it's never looked over or danced around or explained away. If I have learned anything it is that God is good, He is sovereign and everything is for our good and His glory.
Last Sunday, Pastor Sprott preached out of Luke 2:47 as we have been going through the book of Acts. He called us to be a body of believers that prays. He told us that this may be our weakest area as a church. That he desires that we become a church who really prays in 2014. It's no coincidence that 2 days later, we became a church that REALLY prays. We have come together to beg God for his grace and mercy for our pastor's precious little one. And we are not the the only ones praying. Literally, believers all over the world are coming together to pray for this sweet boy. I was so blessed last night to attend Grace on Campus and hear the college students come before the Lord and really pray and seek the Lord on behalf of our pastor's son. Everything he preaches was put into practice this week and I learned something amazing. He was ready. With tears and fear, I have been on my knees and I have confessed as much as God brings to my mind. God is also giving me grace not to worry but to trust Him and trust that He is good. Part of my bible reading this morning was Proverbs 3: 1-6. I have heard it many many times and have it memorized but wow...what a great reminder not to lean on my own understanding! The Sprott family already have these truths stored in their hearts so that when a trial came, they were ready to lean on Him and know He is good and give Him the glory. To witness this family glorifying God through something so terrifying speaks volumes about our God and makes me only want to know Him more.
Here is a quote from my pastor as he is waiting for his son to undergo Brain surgery.
Beloved the marathon week continues. We are now in TGH. Luke is such a trooper. He has his leg strapped to the bed to keep from moving around and causing problems with his pic line. He has not eaten much over the last three days but had a cracker and some apple juice tonight. He HOPEFULLY will have the surgery tomorrow. We are very thankful for the team who are preparing for the surgery.
I have worshiped God with my wife and son the last three days. It has been the hardest week of our lives, but in a strange 'Christian thing' it has been one of our best! Totally focused on JESUS because we know he is good and our stronghold. We know we need Him and the Spirit has been with us the entire time. There has been such a peace over all of us as we have pushed forward with the next hurdle. By Gods grace we will make it to the end of this journey and come out knowing and trusting God more!
But to keep things very real, I would love it if Jesus returned before the surgery!!! Come quickly Lord Jesus!
We are still pleading for your prayers. We long for the day when Luke is able to share what his Lord did for him during these days. May God be glorified in us.
God has blessed me with a godly, wise husband who has fallen even deeper in love with Christ over the last year. He sent me this email that normally would have scared me or caused me to put a wall up because losing a child is my greatest fear but instead caused me to worship my God and beg him to give me this kind of faith.
I came to a point where I wondered if I was holding anything back from God. The health of my children came to mind, so through many tears, I gave them over to God to do with as he pleases. That has alleviated a lot of mental stress for me regarding whether they will die prematurely or not. I feel at ease with whatever he wills. And no, that doesn't mean that God will not put us to a test. The tests that God has for us have already been prepared. Our submission to his sovereignty doesn't mean that he now has to come up with new plans to test us with. He doesn't react in petty ways. His plan is perfect and good no matter what. When you fully embrace this, then fear and worry will have to die.
God is good! He is Sovereign! Everything is for His glory and our good!
Please join me in praying for Luke Sprott!
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