My job was easy!

Someone decided it was more fun to swim in the dirt.

Usually at least one person looks at the camera, and it's usually me.
Even with graphic warnings about chemicals and pesticides. There is no stopping them.

There's always a competition of some sort involved. Who has the most/biggest/ reddest strawberries????
Or who can throw the strawberry the farthest.
We had fun then went home and enjoyed the fruits of our labor
And even decided to share with our neighbors.

They were very excited to knock on the doors of 3 of our neighbors and give them some strawberries.We keep looking for ways to connect and build relationships so we can minister to them. It also led into a great conversation with L about giving.
This is one our neighbors who takes care of her husband with alzheimer's. People keep telling her that he needs to be in a nursing home but she said that they have been married almost 50 years and that was not in her vows. I keep praying for ways to be a blessing to her. She loves the boys and Pinky Pie.
Overall, we had a great day with friends!
Wow, Amy. I am totally impressed with your blog site. Is that what it's called? Or just your "blog?" Either way, you are super Mama! This thing is awesome!!