I am thankful for my Husband,
Joseph Lee Triplett
I am thankful for a husband who puts
Jesus above all. (although, I don't always ACT like I am thankful for that)
I am thankful that my husband's # 1 desire is to be the best Christian, husband and daddy possible. If you talk to him for more than 5 minutes, you know that is true.
I am thankful that my husband's # 1 desire is to be the best Christian, husband and daddy possible. If you talk to him for more than 5 minutes, you know that is true.
I am thankful for a brave husband who always feeds Zilla (our leopard gecko) so I never have to touch him or the gross crickets he eats.
I am thankful for a husband who is willing to sleep in the middle of the freezing woods to spend time with his very excited son. I am also very thankful that they are alive and on their way home.
I am thankful for a husband who always does Bible time with the boys. I am listening to their sweet voices answering his catechisms now and am impressed by how much they know.
I am thankful for a husband who always remembers to say, "I love you” and gives kisses to each of us before he leaves for work
I am so thankful for a husband who has honestly never complained when I can't keep up with the house and three kids but helps pick-up instead. He still thanks me for doing the basics like dinner, dishes and laundry.
I am thankful for a snugly husband. He is so affectionate with me and the babies.
I am thankful for a husband who rubs my back.
I am thankful that my husband is willing to get up at 5am to make a bottle for E and still let's me sleep in.
I am thankful that I have a husband who is completely trustworthy. I think I take that for granted sometimes.

I am thankful for a husband who loves to talk to me. I never ever have to wonder what he's thinking.
I am thankful for a husband who makes sure he sets all of my medicine out and hands me what I need even when he is running late for work and I am insisting that I can do it. He loves me.
I am thankful for a husband who always makes it a priority to tell people about Jesus. It's a huge passion for him.
I am thankful for a husband who is more responsible than I am! sad but true. He is good at finding things that I lose.
I am thankful for a husband who calls me on his way to work just to tell me that he's praying for me.
I am thankful for a husband who wrestles and plays dinosaurs with our babies (including E!)
I am thankful for a smart husband.
I am thankful for a husband who makes it a priority to guard his heart and mind.
I am thankful for a husband that I can be proud of. He is a man of strong character. He would go completely out of his way for anyone including a stranger and always goes above and beyond with any task at work-many times without getting any recognition.
I am thankful that Joey still has those big beautiful puppy dog eyes and sheepish smile that melts my heart. Wait...maybe I'm not so thankful for that-it gets him out of trouble. hmmmm....
I'm thankful I have a husband to do the things I wouldn't know how to do to like fixing broken furniture, replacing the washer and dryer, washing the car and doing our taxes. Ok..some of those things I'm just thankful I don't have to do.
I am thankful that I have a husband who is completely satisfied in Jesus and His word no matter what our circumstances. He wakes up way before everyone else to spend time with Him.
I am thankful for a husband who has his priorities straight- God, me, our kids, and then ministering to others. He loves the Lord with his whole heart and it’s never at our expense.
I am thankful for a husband who is a godly leader. He is a teacher and preacher at heart and sees us as his first mission field. God has gifted him with resourcefulness, patience, organization, an amazing speaking ability, and a passion to serve Christ. Although, he would never say that and humbly gives God all the glory. He told L that it was sad that some people forget about Jesus. L said, “You never forget that, Daddy.”
I am thankful for a husband who knows me. He pays attention to detail in everything he does and this includes me. He knows what I love, what makes me mad or sad and how to make me smile.
I am thankful for a husband who is completely generous. He gives his time, money and love freely without holding back. He learned this from his parents.

I am thankful for a goofy husband who still makes me laugh at his weird voices and all around ridiculousness.
I am thankful for a husband who perseveres. I want to give up when things get hard but he never lets me and never loses faith.
I am thankful that when I say awful things to him, like maybe God had something better for us, he won’t hear of that. He knows that we are exactly what each other needs and that God put us together because that is His best for both of us. I need him to keep saying this and he does.